Destroyers Bolivian Reserve Cup HT FT 23/09/202401:00 Real Oruro30 Destroyers00B15/09/202403:15 Destroyers52 Oruro Royal00T08/09/202402:00 Destroyers20 CD Rio San Juan Humi20H31/08/202403:00 Oruro Royal32 Destroyers22B26/08/202402:00 CD Rio San Juan Humi00 Destroyers00H18/08/202402:00 Destroyers00 Real Oruro00H Bolivian Reserve Cup HT FT 14/07/202402:00 Destroyers32 24 de Septiembre 196922T07/07/202402:00 Destroyers21 Ciudad Nueva Santa Cruz00T30/06/202402:00 Destroyers42 CD Nueva Santa Cruz41H23/06/202421:00 CD Torre Fuerte31 Destroyers22B
The Strongest CONMEBOL Copa Libertadores HT FT 26/02/202507:30 Bahia31 The Strongest00B19/02/202507:30 The Strongest11 Bahia10H International Club Friendly HT FT 21/02/202504:00 Universitario De Vinto32 The Strongest00B15/02/202506:00 The Strongest10 Universitario De Vinto10H03/02/202502:00 The Strongest42 Club Aurora00T27/01/202506:00 Blooming11 The Strongest42T Bolivian Primera Division HT FT 21/12/202406:00 Blooming42 The Strongest11B19/12/202407:30 The Strongest84 San Antonio Bulo Bulo00T17/12/202407:00 The Strongest65 Oriente Petrolero20T15/12/202402:00 Royal Pari FC10 The Strongest21T