TUT Students SAVC HT FT 06/09/202400:15 UTC+0700 UP Tuks Students11 TUT Students00B22/08/202423:30 UTC+0700 TUT Students11 DUT Students10H08/09/201622:59 UTC+0700 TUT Students00 NWU Students00H South Africa League Cup HT FT 25/01/201920:00 UTC+0700 Cape Umoya United21 TUT Students10B International Club Friendly HT FT 22/09/201622:45 UTC+0700 TUT Students21 University of the Johannesburg11T
University of the Johannesburg SAND2 HT FT 20/11/202421:00 UTC+0700 Tshwane South College FC10 University of the Johannesburg31T International Club Friendly HT FT 22/09/201622:45 UTC+0700 TUT Students21 University of the Johannesburg11B22/08/201621:30 UTC+0700 University of the Johannesburg21 University of the Witwatersrand00T25/07/201623:30 UTC+0700 University of the Johannesburg00 Central University of Technology00H