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![FIFA World Cup qualification (CAF)](https://img.7bong.com/sig/size:10:10/bG9jYWw6Ly8vbG9nby12Mi9jb21wZXRpdGlvbi80Y2RlMjgwNTBlOTZjNDkwZGM0OTdjMTdlNDA5MDhjNi5wbmc=.png)
FIFA World Cup qualification (CAF)
![Democratic Republic of the Congo](https://img.7bong.com/sig/size:10:10/bG9jYWw6Ly8vbG9nby12Mi9jb21wZXRpdG9yLzdmNWUwY2Q0MTlhNGI3NTA5ZTEzMzk5ZWZiNzUwNTZhLnBuZw==.png)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
![No data in this section](/_nuxt/empty.C0m9yy9U.png)
No data
No lineup information was found for this match
No lineup information was found for this match